
11th Annual JFS Cocktail Party
Saturday, March 3, 2018
7:00 PM
Premier Nightclub at Borgata
Thank you for your support of Jewish Family Service of Atlantic County.

Please use this secure payment form to complete your transaction.



Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

#Guests @ $150.00 per person $0.00
Raffle - Try your luck to win great prizes!
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

3 Raffles @ $100 $0.00

6 Raffles @ $150 $0.00
Cocktail Party Sponsorships
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Event Sponsor-10 tickets to Cocktail Pary, VIP table/area; Dedicated waitress; Name/logo on table signage; Name/logo on event signage, promotional materials, etc.; Representative to welcome guests; Opportunity to include materials in gift bags; Logo/website link on JFS website. $0.00

Corporate Sponsor-8 tickets to Cocktail Party; VIP table/area; Dedicated waitress; Name/logo on table signage; Name/logo on event signage, promotional materials, etc.; Opportunity to include materials in gift bags; Logo/website link on JFS website. $0.00

VIP Sponsor (limited availability)-6 tickets to Cocktail Party; VIP table/area; Dedicated waitress; Food located at each VIP table; Name/logo on table signage; Opportunity to include material in gift bags; Logo/website link on JFS website. $0.00

Platinum Sponsor-4 tickets to Cocktail Party; Name/logo on event signage; Opportunity to include material in gift bags; Logo/website link on JFS website. $0.00

Gold Sponsor-2 tickets to Cocktail Party; Name/logo on event signage; Opportunity to include materials in gift bags; Logo/website link on JFS website. $0.00

Silver Sponsor-Name/logo on event signage; Opportunity to include material in gift bags; Logo/website link on JFS website. $0.00
*The JFS newsletter, Currents, is mailed to 15,000 homes.
**The JFS website is viewed by thousands of visitors per year.

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the Elavon Global Payment Solutions Network.
Information collected is protected by the latest
in SSL encryption, so you can make a transaction with confidence.

Questions or comments? Please contact Jewish Family Service of Atlantic County
by phone at 609.822.1108 or email development@jfsatlantic.org.

Privacy Policy Statement: Your personal information will not be
shared with anyone other than Jewish Family Service of Atlantic County
and the payment processor to securely process this transaction.