




JFS will prepare beautiful baskets to be used as centerpieces or bimah decorations for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, birthdays, or any special occasion.   

The baskets will be filled with food products that will go to the JFS Food Pantry. 

Your order must be submitted at least four weeks prior to your celebration.

For more information, please contact Vanessa Smith at
(609) 822-1108 Ext. 249 or via EMAIL
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Table Centerpiece Baskets $0.00

Large Bimah Baskets $0.00

Payment processing is Powered by
the Elavon Global Payment Solutions Network.
Information collected is protected by the latest
in SSL encryption, so you can make a transaction with confidence.

Questions or comments? Please contact Jewish Family Service of Atlantic County
by phone at 609.822.1108 or email development@jfsatlantic.org.

Privacy Policy Statement: Your personal information will not be
shared with anyone other than Jewish Family Service of Atlantic County
and the payment processor to securely process this transaction.